
Should I Separate My Pregnant Guppy?

Should I Separate My Pregnant Guppy

A week ago one of my friend bought 3 female guppies, out of which 2 were pregnant.

He was confused about whether to keep the pregnant guppy in the same tank or move the pregnant guppy to a separate tank, so he asked me should I separate my pregnant guppy?

I advised him to separate pregnant guppies, just before giving birth.

You have other similar questions such as

– When should you separate pregnant guppy

– How to separate pregnant guppy

– When should you move back the pregnant guppy to the main tank

There are advantages and disadvantages of moving pregnant guppy to a separate tank which I will discuss in detail.

Should I Separate Pregnant Guppy?

When you have female and male guppies in the same tank, there is high chance of over population.

To stop overcrowding your main tank it is important to separate pregnant guppies.

You should consider listed pros and cons before moving pregnant guppy to a separate tank.

Pros of Separating Pregnant Guppy

These are some advantages to separate pregnant guppy:

1. Pregnant guppies get a stress-free environment for releasing fry.

2. Mother guppy don’t need to fight with other fish for food.

3. To maintain water parameters in a separate tank is easy.

4. There is less risk of guppy fry being eaten by other fish.

5. The male guppy will not chase the female guppy.

Cons of Separating Pregnant Guppy

You should also consider a few disadvantages when you separate pregnant guppy:

1. When you keep pregnant guppy alone in breeding box, she feels shock and stress.

2. There is a risk of injury when you move your pregnant guppy between the tanks.

When Should I Separate My Pregnant Guppy?

Guppies gestation period is 25-30 days after mating.

So, how do you know when to separate pregnant guppy. You should look for common pregnancy signs such as:

  1. Erratic swimming
  2. Low appetite or not eating at all
  3. Hiding or staying in the bottom of tank
  4. Darker gravid spot and bloated belly
  5. Aggressive behaviour

When pregnant guppy is about to release fry, it is best time to separate it from other tank mates.

If you separate pregnant guppy too early then she can come under stress and even die before giving birth.

How To Separate Pregnant Guppy?

The following tips will help you in moving your pregnant guppy to a separate tank:

– First, you need to set up a breeding box with similar water parameters.

– You should use the soft net to move the pregnancy guppy to a breading box so the stress level will be low and the chance of injury will be less.

– Add plants, grass and other decorative items that work as hiding spots and reduce stress.

Monitor your guppy by giving extra care for a successful pregnancy.

If you follow these points while transferring your pregnant guppy to a separate tank then it will ease pregnancy.

When Should You Move Back The Pregnant Guppy To Main Tank?

When you see your pregnant guppy fish finished releasing fry, move the mother guppy immediately to the main tank.

Guppies used to live in community tank. If you keep your pregnant guppy alone in the breeder box for a long time, you will bring stress to your guppy, which can affect the pregnancy.

After separation, if the guppy is not able to release fry within a day you should move back your pregnant guppy to the main tank.

In the main tank, increase the water temperature which will help the mother guppy to go into labor and ease the birthing process.

Once you observe your pregnant guppy is ready to give birth separate pregnant guppy to breeder box.

Pregnant Guppy Fish Care

As pregnant guppies get closer to giving birth they become less active, become weak and eat less. The following points will help you to take care of your pregnant guppy.

– Pregnant guppies need a balanced diet such as brine shrimp, blood worms and flake food.

– Offer small pinches of food 45 times a day, so you don’t overfeed.

– Maintain water parameters such as ammonia, nitrates, nitrites and pH levels to reduce stress.

Clean the tank regularly and change 25% of the water.

Proper pregnancy care helps female guppy to survive before, during or after giving birth.


You should put the pregnant guppy to a separate tank when they are ready to release fry.

A separate tank will provide a stress-free environment for mother guppy. It will be easy to monitor the progress of mother guppy and fry.

It would help if you separate guppy fry from mother once the birthing process is completed, this will save guppy fry as guppies do not have parental intuition.

The main reason for separation is to save pregnant guppy and fry from other tank mates.

If you have any issue please feel free to post your question in the comment box.


1. Can I put 2 pregnant guppies together?

Yes, you can put 2 pregnant guppies together in same breeder box, but once mother guppy releases fry, transfer her to main tank so she don’t eat fry.

2. Where do guppies lay eggs?

Guppies are livebearer fish. So she do not lay eggs, instead female pregnant guppy delivers fully formed and live guppy fry.

3. Will guppy fry look like their parents?

Initially, guppy fry resembles their parents, however unique colors and patterns develop as they mature.

Happy Guppy Keeping!

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