
Can Guppies Live In Brackish Water? – {Acclimation Process Explained 2024}


One strong memory is the day I decided to introduce guppies in brackish water. I was confused and excited to know guppies adaptablity. Last week while browsing on social media, I read a post asking “Can guppies live in brackish water?” and all my old memories got refreshed.

Many fish keepers prefer to keep guppies in brackish water because it is rich in minerals. So, if you plan to keep your guppies in brackish water tank then acclimate the fish before transferring.

Over the period of time, I learned dealing with brackish water is not about facts but also about sharing personal experiences. In this article, I will clear doubts and discuss my process and experience regarding:

  • will guppies live in brackish water?
  • how do guppies live in brackish water?
  • what fish can live in brackish water?

Can Guppies Survive In Brackish Water?

Yes, guppies can survive in brackish water as it is their natural habitat.

The mixture of freshwater and saltwater is brackish water. Brackish water is not as salty as saltwater, but salinity is higher than freshwater.

Moreover, brackish water is rich in minerals which helps guppies in overall growth and well-being.

Some new guppy keepers ask on social media “Can guppies be in brackish water?”Yes, guppies can be in brackish water only when provided with ideal living conditions which include optimal water temperature, ideal KH, GH, and pH level, high-quality food and proper oxygenation.

Do Guppies Like Brackish Water?

Yes, guppies do like brackish water but there are certain factors to consider:

  1. You should maintain ideal water conditions to avoid unnecessary stress in guppies.
  2. The acclimation process should be carried out slowly, so guppies can easily adapt to the change.
  3. Further, understanding guppies salinity tolerance is important for them to thrive in brackish water. So, what is the salinity tolerance of guppies? Guppies are hardy fish and the research shows guppies can tolerate 39 ppt (100% seawater) to 58.5 ppt (150% seawater).

How Do You Make Brackish Water For Guppies?

My journey was not easy it was a rollercoaster ride of trial and error. Sometimes accidentally oversalting water to see guppies enjoying brackish water. Every process added to my learning.

I am excited to share my step-by-step guide on how to prepare brackish water for guppies.

How To Make Brackish Water For Guppies At Home?
How To Make Brackish Water For Guppies At Home?

Step 1 Take a large container filled with tap water and dechlorinate with a water conditioner.

Step 2 Prepare a mixture solution of 1 teaspoon of marine salt for each 5 gallons of water.

Step 3 Stir the mixture by hand or use an air stone to dissolve salt in water.

Step 4 Use a refractometer or hydrometer to check water salinity. Brackish water-specific gravity ranges from 1.005 to 1.010 and for guppies to be safe set on the lower side of gravity.

Step 5 Next is to measure water parameters like temperature, salinity, pH, GH, and KH levels that are optimum for guppies. If not attained the ideal water range, then make changes as required.

How Do You Acclimate Guppies To Brackish Water?

The first time when I introduced my colorful guppies to brackish water, I was nervous and enthusiastic to see their reactions. Further, there were doubts in my mind relating to the process of acclimating guppies in brackish water.

The transition of guppies from freshwater to brackish water must be slow and steady.

Guppies get shocked and come under stress when you try to speed up the acclimation process, making them sick and affected by diseases.

How Do You Acclimate Guppies To Brackish Water?
How Do You Acclimate Guppies To Brackish Water?

I will illustrate my journey and share my acclimation process for guppies to brackish water.

Step 1 Select a glass aquarium with the correct size avoid using metal frames as it is unsafe for guppies. Further, brackish water contains salt, so metal when comes in contact with salt is poisonous for fish.

Step 2 You should use same tank for guppies to acclimate and test water quality as well as proper oxygenation in aquarium.

Step 3 Extract 25% to 40% water from the tank.

Step 4 Place the large container of brackish water near the acclimation tank.

Step 5 Now pass a tube and check valve from brackish water to the guppy fish tank.

Step 6 Set the check valve at 1 drop per second.

This way your guppies will easily acclimate to brackish water without any stress.

How Do You Maintain A Brackish Aquarium For Guppies?

Preparing brackish water and acclimation of guppies will not help guppies survive for a long period. So, it is equally important to maintain a brackish aquarium for guppies.

Here are some tips that you should keep in mind to sustain brackish water in your guppy tank:

1.  Every week test water parameters such as water hardness, water temperature, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, and salinity.

2. Install a heater to maintain minimum water temperature for guppies.

3. Feed guppies on time with sufficient and nutritious food.

4. Weekly perform water change and clean filters as well as tank by removing dead or sick guppy fish, uneaten food, and decaying plants.

5. Ensure guppies are provided with favorable environment in aquarium to thrive.

These basic suggestions, if followed correctly, will help in maintaining a brackish aquarium for guppies.

How To Do Water Change For Brackish Water Aquarium Of Guppies?

I perform regular water change to maintain good health of guppies in brackish water aquarium. Below is my process to change brackish water in aquarium:

  1. Change 25% of tank water every week.
  2. Start by preparing brackish water in a separate bucket. You can follow the above steps to make a mixture of water and salt.
  3. Don’t scoop salt directly into the guppy fish tank.
  4. Before pouring water into tank check water temperature is ideal or not.
  5. Pour slowly and gradually the prepared brackish water.
  6. Check water salinity after a few hours of water change. If salinity is low, you can add some salt in tank to raise specific gravity. However, if salinity is high then remove some water and add dechlorinated tap water to decrease specific gravity.

How Long Can Guppies Live In Brackish Water?

Guppies lifespan is 2 to 3 years and brackish water is their natural environment. This means guppies can live well in brackish water for their lifespan. So, there is nothing to worry about.

In some cases, where acclimation transition was rapidly performed then guppies get dehydrated and show symptoms like lethargy, remain inactive, laying in the bottom of tank, hiding, or staying in the corner of tank.

If you notice the above symptoms then you can put back guppy fish in freshwater tank and slow down acclimation.

What Kind Of Fish Live In Brackish Water?

The types of fish that can live in brackish water are:

  • Catfish
  • Pufferfish
  • Gobies
  • Cichlids
  • Mollies

And there are many other fish that can live in brackish water.


Can guppies live in brackish water? Yes, guppies live in brackish water with a low range of specific gravity.

The transition speed matters a lot for guppies, so prefer to be very slow in acclimation process which avoids unnecessary stress.

Maintaining water quality and a good environment helps guppies to easily adapt to brackish water.

Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below. Let’s help the community!

Happy Guppy Keeping!


Can Brackish Water Fish Live In Freshwater?

There are certain brackish water fish that can live in freshwater but in the long run, they may face health issues.

Can Freshwater Fish Live In Brackish Water?

Some freshwater fish can live in brackish water if acclimation is done at a slow pace.

Are Guppies Salt Tolerant?

Yes, guppies are salt tolerant up to 150% of seawater.

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